CROCK-POT express crock

video, amazon a+ page, cookbook landing page & email

Project overview: For the launch of the Express Crock Multi-Cooker, a leading product on, our team was tasked with supporting its market entry. This involved creating a comprehensive suite of marketing materials, including a unique video, various email campaigns, a dedicated cookbook landing page, and enhanced content for both Crock-Pot's website and key retail partners like Amazon, Target, and Bed Bath & Beyond.

Our approach:

  • Instead of a traditional image and text ad, we opted for a more engaging stop-motion video. This creative choice was driven by the need to effectively demonstrate the convenience and versatility of the Express Crock Multi-Cooker, especially for impromptu gatherings and parties.

  • In this project, my responsibilities spanned copywriting, co-directing, food styling, and even serving as a hand model. This multifunctional involvement allowed for a cohesive vision throughout the video production process, ensuring that the final product was not only visually appealing but also effectively communicated key messages.

** cookbook LANDING PAGE **

After the Newell Brands marketing team discovered that the “Recipes” page was one of the most visited pages on the official Crock-Pot website, they decided to leverage this consumer interest in official Crock-Pot recipes as a way to direct consumers to Crock-Pot’s newest release, the Express Crock Multi-Cooker.

Customers could access a free digital download of “Express Crock: Quick and Easy Recipes for Every Occasion”, a recipe book done in collaboration with many popular food bloggers, by visiting this landing page or clicking through the corresponding email announcement.

Express Crock landing page

** cookbook release email **

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** enhanced content page **

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