Company Background: Everwise is a learning and development platform that helps professionals and employees through mentoring and peer support. 

The Ask: The company asked me to submit an article aimed at senior managers about political savvy. 

The 5 Pillars of Political Intelligence (or How to Take Control of Your Career) 

  1. Office politics is neither good nor bad; it is the product of an environment where a group of people are confined to a space with limited resources. The first step towards cultivating political intelligence is to identify what limited resources are being competed (job security, promotions, invitations to special meetings, pick of assignments etc.) then observe the behavior of the key players who successfully navigate that environment.

  2. Office politics is not a game. It is an environment you navigate. The “rules” will change when the people you work with change.

  3. If office politics is the art of successfully influencing others to get things done, then reputation is the currency. A strong reputation helps build the alliances that grow your social capital – and your influence.

  4. Never assume decision makers know about your accomplishments and progress. Spotlight what you have accomplished to key players. Once they know, then they can tell others who also have influence.

  5. Overall, people would rather work with an average likable person, than a brilliant malicious person. Winning at office politics does not mean becoming an unlikable individual. It’s about optimizing the interpersonal dynamics of being in a space with limited resources so that you do well and are able to positively contribute to the organization’s growth. Regardless of language or culture, people understand “friendly”.


As A Leader, Political Savvy Is NOT About Being Political | https://www.rdpusa.com/political-savvy-not-about-being-political/

4 Common Causes of Office Politics | https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/20140714150740-21803956-4-common-causes-of-office-politics

4 Steps to Mastering Office Politics | http://www.forbes.com/sites/ccl/2012/07/31/4-steps-to-mastering-office-politics/#772df3975766

The Value Of A Good Reputation | https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/happiness-in-world/201004/the-value-good-reputation